The Glad Show

How to deepen your intuition so you can listen and follow your inner voice

Just before the holidays, I sat down to chat with Tori Quisling who is intuitive and psychic.

Tori has been a professional clairvoyant and teacher for the past 35 years. She has been featured as an expert on news shows such as the Today Show, CBS News, as well as the New York Daily News and the Huffington Post. She is the founder of the Center for Clairvoyant and Intuitive Development and author of the books, The Clairvoyant Practitioner: A Simple Guide to Developing Your Psychic Abilities and Calling in Your Baby: A Clairvoyant’s Guide to Manifesting Your Pregnancy.

Her background includes working as a teacher at the Berkeley Psychic Institute in California and teaching workshops at the NY Open Center. We dive into how you can deepen your ability to hear your inner voice and actually take action on it.

Tori is offering a bonus workshop in the Conscious Creator program where she will guide you deeper into your own abilities to recognize the voice of your intuition and separate it from your emotions and patterns of the mind. 

Watch the full interview here:

After you have listened let me know your thoughts! If you know anyone who would love this episode, please share online and with your friends! 

If you want to know more about Tori’s work and her programs, the best way to connect with her is here on her website. You can also find her on Facebook and Instagram.


The Glad Show with Laureen Ellison: I didn't only want a new job but a whole new life

On this episode of the Glad Show I talk with one of my clients, Laureen Ellison, who was able to dramatically change her life. We look at what changed and why, and talk about how Laureen consciously created the circumstances for this big leap in her career and life.

Why it's important to get really clear About what you want

Laureen is a successful powerhouse and a career woman in marketing and communications. She is the breadwinner of her family, mom of two and she loves travel, sports, and design. Today she’s living in Amsterdam with her family after living in New York City for more than 10 years.

In this conversation, Laureen is sharing what she did and how she was able to change from the  frustrating “not knowing” (other than she wanted something else, a new, bigger life but she didn’t know what it was or how to get access to it) mode to self-awareness and daily connection to self.  Trusting that she has what it takes to lead her life towards her desires consciously.

In just a couple of months Laureen made a big leap and shifted her life consciously based on her real desires: she found a new exciting job that took her and her family to live abroad, getting to travel to exotic places, while at the same time the new day to day life allows more time to be present and enjoy her family.  

All this is what she at some point thought was impossible. 

We talk about:

  • What’s required for upleveling your career.

  • How you become free to know what you really want next.

  • How the culture and external demands often lead us far away from happiness, who we are and what we can do in life.

  • What to do when the challenges come and it feels like there’s a bump in the road.

  • The ways to start manifesting the big desires to come true.

  • What the recipe to being successful and content in all areas of life is.

And much more!

This episode is great for anyone who wants to change their career and take it to the next level. For those who want to follow their passions but can’t currently connect to what it is they should do next or how to make the big shifts and move consciously forward.

Watch it here

After you have watched leave a comment below and share your thoughts or any questions you might have! 

Much love,

P.S. Subscribe the Glad Show here and get email updates, inspiration, free resources and more.

How to Re-Program Your Mind Using Affirmations

Talk yourself into success and start consciously creating your life

We have all heard of affirmations: positive statements you repeat to yourself over and over. Their aim is to override old subconscious programming and change negative thought patterns and beliefs; in doing this, you set yourself free to do and achieve what you want, be it improving your health, career, relationships, finances or preparing yourself for any specific situation that requires stretching out of your comfort zone.

While it may sound good in theory, many people struggle to make affirmations work.

This is due to lack of specificity and knowledge of how to create affirmations that work personally for them in their specific situations.

Why affirmations may not work:

  • You don’t fully believe in your goal or what you are saying to yourself.

  • You’re using negative or future-oriented language in your affirmations, which is confusing to the mind which only operates in the present.  

  • You are not aware of or paying attention to your mind’s objections.

  • There is a subconscious block that is powerfully resisting the changes you desire.

  • You don’t take the action that is needed to move forward.

To make affirmations work successfully, you need to first discover what thought patterns and objections you have. Thought patterns are based on past negative experiences that you hold in your mind. These are stored in your subconscious, which always affects your behavior, thoughts, feelings, and actions in different situations.

If you struggle in some area of life and feel that you can’t do what you want to do, then there are some learned limiting beliefs and subconscious blocks that keep you stuck in your situation. Luckily, we can release these self-limiting beliefs and blocks, and creating personal affirmations is one of the ways you can.

A Simple Exercise to Create Your Affirmations

Here's one simple exercise you can do to help reveal your limiting beliefs and create affirmations that work for you:

  • Write your desire or goal down: what is it that you want to achieve?

  • Get quiet and turn inward to listen.

  • Ask yourself: why is it not possible?

  • Write out all the objections your mind comes up with.

  • Keep going until there aren't any objections coming up.

  • When you have emptied your mind of objections, go through the statements and shift the sentences to positive.

  • Use clear, authoritative, positive commands in the present tense: I feel, I can, I have, I am…

For example, say you want to elevate your career to the next level and find your dream job, but struggle with the habit of procrastination. You have all kinds of excuses as to why you don’t do the things you need to do (e.g., update your resume, make connections, etc.). For some reason, you keep yourself from following through with your plans.

To quit the habit of procrastination to find your dream job, you want to discover the self-limiting beliefs and emotional reasons behind the procrastination, and writing down the objections will show you these. You may think for instance, “What I want does not exist,” “It’s too risky to change jobs now,” “I’m not educated enough,” etc. All these self-limiting beliefs are raising inner fears: fear of the unknown, fear of success, or fear of failure.

When the subconscious objections come to the surface, you will often realize they are not true, and that already helps to release them. To empower your mind and believe new thoughts, create positive statements, such as: “I’m open for new possibilities,’” “It’s my time now,” “I have everything I need for my dream job.”     

Used consistently, affirmations will help you reprogram your mind and change your habits, which will change your reality.

How to use your affirmations:

  • Repeat the affirmations consistently and daily, and write them down. It takes about 21 days to change any habit.

  • Use your imagination to visualize and meditate on what you’re affirming — feel like you would if you already had what you’re affirming.

  • Keep your affirmations where you can see them every day (phone, journal, Post-Its) so your mind has a better chance of accepting your new truth.

  • Motivate and encourage yourself by remembering your desire and its purpose, the reason behind the reason—why it’s so important for you!

Affirmations are an incredibly powerful way to increase self-belief, courage and help you expand your life. Knowing what you want is the first step to having it—and simply convincing your mind that you can have it will help you change your habits and make it your reality.

If you enjoyed this post, you will love my weekly emails. They are weekly digest of the best human performance habits for self-mastery, personal, spiritual and professional growth, and real life stories around the web. Sign up here!

With love and gratitude,

The Glad Show with Arnaud Collery: Stand up for your passion!

On this episode of The Glad Show, we talk with Chief Happiness Officer, Arnaud Collery, about happiness, passion and the ways how you can find and start following your purpose.

Arnaud is an influencer, stand up comedian, actor, party organizer, speaker, writer, coach, and author of the book Mr. Happiness!

He is a true storyteller and finds his inspiring stories on his travels and connecting with people. He has shed his skin and started from scratch multiple times by following his passions and exploring the world by traveling and living in multiple countries, including a South American tribe while he was searching for his meaning. 

Arnaud is the founder of Stand Up For Passion events that are organized in New York and all around the world. He has created the Chief Happiness Officer concept, and coaches companies and individuals connect and empathy at work through storytelling. 

We are talking about his fascinating story of life and how he eventually found the meaningful and fulfilling work that he is doing today. 

This episode is great for anyone who is at the crossroads and wants to find their passion and purpose in the world. We talk about authentic happiness, what it really means and how does it feel.

You'll get some tips on how to get started on creating your journey by following your real desires. 

Watch the interview here


You can contact Arnaud and round more information about the Stand Up for Passion events and his book on his website.

Hope you enjoy it. Thank you for watching!

Much love,

P.S. Subscribe the Glad Show here and get email updates, inspiration, free resources and more.

The Glad Show with Ruby Mitchell on self-healing: How I overcame two incurable illnesses

On this episode of the Glad Show, Ruby Mitchell joins me to talk about talk self-healing. 

She is sharing her incredible personal journey how she was able to overcome C-PTSD (complex trauma disorder), brain cancer and a rare, incurable, disease that was repeatedly creating life-threatening tumors in her skull. 

When doctors couldn't help, and give up on her, Ruby was able to find her superpowers and confidence to keep looking until she met the people and methods that eventually helped her to find the root cause of the diseases, and then heal and recover fully.

Her story is an inspirational story about the trial and error, and how the healing path was revelead to her one step at the time when she didn’t give up -- even when she was expecting her second child and then had to make brave decisions based on her gut and intuition.

Ruby is a family trauma specialist, psychotherapist, and clinical hypnotherapist - and a real master of self-healing. She is a dedicated therapist empowering and supporting women on their healing journey and helps them to transform their mindset in order to transform their bodies and their lives.

Ruby and I discuss: 

  • How we have to take responsibility for our health and well-being as no one else can really do that for us but we have to insist healing

  • What was the root cause of her disease and what in the end worked for Ruby

  • Why we should never own our diseases and struggles

  • How we all the healing powers and how her husband (who is a soldier and not any kind of energy worker) helped her to heal

  • Amazing exercises that you can start practicing now:

    • How to reduce stress and let go of harmful negative feelings and energy from the body

    • Lift up energy quickly in the middle of the day

    • Connecting and supporting yourself and your inner child in a different way

This episode is a great watch for anyone who is interested in self-healing or struggles physical, mental, or emotional issues, and need hope and encouragement on their self-healing journey. Do not give up but get help and keep going, looking and trying out different kind of methods. Something will eventually work!

After you have watched the episode comment below and share your own healing story or ask any questions you might have!

You can contact Ruby on Facebook or by email at

Much love,

P.S. Subscribe the Glad Show here and get email updates, inspiration, free resources and more

What my burnout taught me

Last week, after DJ Avicii died, I watched the Netflix documentary about his last couple of years before he left the touring.  

It was sad to watch how he drove himself to exhaustion and how the look in his eyes changed from excitement to disconnection - like he was not there anymore. 

He couldn’t slow down to rest and heal, not even in the hospital where he sat on his bed working with his laptop all the time, bottles of coca-cola next two his bed and room filled with people, while he was talking with the team of doctors about serious health issues.

He tried to get some help and seemed to desperately get help while continuing touring and working 24/7 and only got deeper into the self-sabotaging cycle while his body was screaming all the warning signs.  

Alcohol, success, work, drugs, are great addictives taking the edge off the emotional and physical pain, numbing and blocking the way to understanding and allowing the healing to start.

Social media was blaming his manager who certainly focused only on making him more and more successful with any cost. But also Avicii himself, something inside him, drove and pushed him to achieve more and work harder. He couldn’t take any credits for his success and work.

He didn’t know what he really wanted to achieve and what would make him feel fulfilled. Nothing was enough, he was not enough.

Curse of publicity and overnight success? 

No, this is everyday life. 

Too many people struggle with the same disease and are driven by subconscious, unrecognized self-beliefs leading to extreme stress and exhaustion when they try to achieve and fulfill the never-ending external demands and requirements. 

His story touched me deeply because it brought up the vivid feelings about my own burnout.

I remember sitting on the beach and begging help from the universe, or anyone, so that I could feel calm, connected, and peaceful again. I couldn’t hear anything behind the cacophony in my mind.

Then the day came that I had been afraid of: After a one-day work trip to Paris, I dropped on the couch and couldn't get up. 

I had been scared, feeling so lonely, anxious, and panicky and I couldn’t sleep well anymore. I knew that I was dancing on the tightrope but this deep, dark fear had kept me going and escaping my reality and myself.

I had numbed myself with work, busyness, partying, alcohol, and smoking, and living the life that felt like somebody else’s life - it all felt meaningless. I felt so restless that I couldn't calm down to watch a movie, read, or be alone. 

On that day I understood I could either keep destroying myself - for nothing really - or take it seriously, get help, and help myself. 

It’s a dangerous - life-threatening - combination to feel extremely unworthy and believe that working more and harder and being better is the way to fulfillment, success, love, and acceptance.

When these inner drivers and false self-beliefs are on, there is no stop sign and we lose the control, and connection first with the feelings and then with the self - the most precious assets that we have.  

The first thing I did then was that I simplified my life and started changing my habits. I set clear boundaries and stopped putting everyone and everything else ahead my own needs and real desires. 

Sometimes it meant lying on the floor listening to jazz or sitting in complete silence starting out of window, which at first was scary and strange but as it felt right I did it.

I felt fragile and broken for quite a while, but I was able to save myself. It opened me up to a new level of sensitivity, which also meant I was not able to work as much as I did before - not a bad thing in the end! 

It was then when I found Eckhart Tolle’s book The Power of Now opened my eyes to see things from a totally new perspective - it was a delicate but so powerful paradigm shift, and gave me the answers that I had been looking for a long time. The Art of Living in the Present Moment became the core of my life and a few years later my work.  

It was a blessing, like our challenges often are if we just learn to see them that way. I started the ten-year journey to spiritual and personal growth and healing. My drivers are now completely different and I'm on my mission to help everyone to become aware and understand that we all have the power, and a key to healing, happiness, and real success and well-being.

If you have have symptoms of burnout or if you are constantly exhausted, resentful and cynical about your future and your daily life - or if you are constantly sick or in pain - get help. It's not the way life should be and you can change it for better.  

With love and gratitude,

The Glad Show with Dr. Laura Brayton: The birth of a mother

What to expect and how to prepare your business and yourself to motherhood 

Dr. Laura Brayton is a holistic chiropractor, author, and speaker, she is extremely passionate about supporting the health and wellness of families. Dr. Brayton writes on health-related topics and is a lecturer for various holistic groups, including childbirth education centers, and new moms’ groups.

She has a podcast called “Well-Adjusted Mama” to educate and to empower women preconception through early motherhood on wellness lifestyle. In September 2017, she gave birth to her son, Finley, in the most amazing experience of her life.

Many women contemplate and hesitate how to have and manage it all: maintain a successful career, business, and relationship while becoming a mother while knowing life will change completely with the baby. 

Becoming a mother is an identity shift, one of the most significant physical and psychological changes women ever go through. 

The inner and outer expectations are often too high and unrealistic, which makes the whole process even harder if women don't have enough information on how to make right decisions for themselves, insight into emotions and what kind of challenges to prepare before and after the birth. 

On this episode, Laura is sharing what she has learned with working with women and new moms during over 13 years and her own experiences and challenges she faced with becoming a mother.  

  • What most women don't know when they step into motherhood

  • Why it's important to face the inner fears and learn how to let go of them already in the pre-conception phase

  • How to deal with the comparison, guilt, shame, and frustrations when things are not going as planned

  • How to let go of unrealistic expectations of the ideal, perfect mother

  • The key things to staying well, centered, and the secret to handling it all

  • The business strategy, financial planning, and preparations for the maternity leave

Watch the interview here

Listen to the audio here

Once you have watched or listened to the show, we would love to hear from you!

Feel free to ask questions or share your own experience on this important topic in the comments below!

This episode is great for anyone interested in what women go through before and after becoming a mother and how to prepare for it holistically.

If you know anyone who would love this episode, please share online and with your friends!

Read more about Laura’s work at


P.S. To get the updates and free resources in your inbox weekly, sign up to get my newsletter here 

My 2018 Manifesto

2017 was like a year-long holistic detox for me.

There were so many life lessons, so much change and a lot of work. I took a massive leap in many areas of life by turning inward, opening my awareness and standing up in a new way. 

It is time to construct and create a new, steadier foundation. This manifesto is the key to it.

My 2018 manifesto: 

• Do my things, work, and business in my way - less by the book or how it’s “supposed” to be done. 
• Focus on feeling good - release tension and set an intention, at every moment. 
• Trust my gut and intuition. 
• Care, try, and think less - focus on doing more and following through.
• Bend time, not myself - stay rooted.
• Choose carefully who I work with. 
• Work smarter, not harder. 
• Let go of the need to control the things that I can’t affect (there must be an endpoint for this).
• Embrace my personal needs, my body, my health and wellbeing (after struggling with physical issues and going through pretty dark times mentally I am now feeling so healthy and well that I can’t appreciate it more). 
• Be powerful, vulnerable me and speak my truth. 

External abundance, results, and achievements follow when we keep our visions clear and stay internally aligned - and courageously walk towards them.

New Year, New Feel, New Chances, Same Dreams, Fresh Starts.

How about you - what are your commitments for this year?

If you like this, share with your friends!

You can get more inspiration, free content, and ideas for creative living by downloading my free guide The 7 Habits and Rituals to Feel Calm, Connected and Energized Every Day.


The Glad Show with Meg Berry on Self-love, Tantra and the Alchemy of Innocence

Meg Berry is a wellness professional, alt country singer-songwriter, and mother of three, Meg Berry, a.k.a. Tantra Cowgirl, is the owner of Artful Body studio in New Jersey and teaches classical Pilates, Tantra Core, MomCore and Tantra courses in person and online. She is the creator of Tantra Core, which combines the Tantric philosophy of wellness with the Pilates philosophy of fitness through movement and breathwork.

After healing her lifelong PTSD and body dysmorphia with Tantra, Meg was lit up with the desire to make Tantra and its effective healing accessible to everyone. She has the desire to make it accessible and effective to everyone seeking health and vitality - and Meg combines the Tantric philosophy of wellness through movement and breathwork.

On this episode we talk about:

  • Meg's story on how she was able to heal herself

  • What Tantra is really about

  • When you learn to breathe you ignite the healing and wellbeing

  • If you can feel it you can heal it

  • Beautiful Bliss Breathe meditation; meditation of senses (video below)

We had some issues with the Internet while recording this episode on Facebook Live, so we shoot the meditation on a separate video. Which actually works much better!

Watch the full interview here

The Alchemy of Innocence meditation:

Once you have watched or listened to the show, we would love to hear from you.

If you know anyone who would love this episode, please share online and with your friends! 


P.S. What topics or who would you like to see on The Glad Show? Comment below!

Alyson Noël: Don't believe what people say to you

Alyson Noël is the #1 New York Times bestselling, award-winning, author of 26 novels. With 9 New York Times bestsellers and over 8 million copies in print, her books have been translated into 36 languages and sold in over 200 countries. 

You may have read her novel series The Immortals, Riley Bloom, Soul Seekers or Beautiful Idols. Her Young Adult novel, Saving Zoë, is soon to be a major motion picture starring Vanessa Marano, and Laura Marano, with Jeffrey G. Hunt directing. 

I met Alyson three years ago in Bali where I started writing my first book. We sat down to discuss how she created an impressive, successful career by following her passions and building amazing success as an author.

In this episode Alyson shares:

  • How she became a full-time writer after working for multiple other jobs for a long time

  • How she, after working with her first book for 15 years, got it published

  • Her daily habits and pragmatic approach and guidance for aspiring writers

  • When is the right time to go after your dreams

  • Why failing and being rejected is important for your growth and success

  • What "you only need one yes" means

  • Why you need to take responsibility of your stories, gifts, and skills and make the effort to get them out to the world without believing what people say to you

Watch the video here

Or listen to the audio here: 


Once you have watched or listened to the show, we would love to hear from you.

What is your big dream? Do you have the story or an idea in your mind that doesn't leave you alone?

If you have something you want to put out into the world, share your idea in the comments below. Let us know how does your first baby step look like and when are you going to take it?

I guarantee magic happens, when you put the intention out there.

Like Duke Ellington said: "I don't need time, all I need is deadline."

Also, if you know anyone who would love this episode, please share with your friends! 


P.S. Here's two book wonderful book recommendations about creativity: Story by Robert Mckee and The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron - Enjoy!

Anne Vainio: happiness is an everyday practice

Why happiness requires everyday practice? 

In this intimate interview, I talk with Anne Vainio about her unique story. After drastic losses and facing serious health issues she started a journey to the self and shifted from self-ignorance and numbness to self-knowledge and awareness - and built a new foundation to her life. 


  • What does it really mean to connect with your true self.

  • Changing from achievement to consistency and alignment.

  • The essence of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual clarity.

  • Why reinforcing happiness must be part of everyday routines.

  • Big dreams can be achieved with consistent, patient steps.

  • Clear future vision and intentions keep the passion and motivation high.

  • Have fun: Stop. Reset. Play.

We also hit the big question: Is it necessary to lose something important before we take it seriously and find the motivation to seek help and make the changes?

Watch the video here

Or listen to the audio here: 

The biggest lesson here is to learn how to listen and trust the inner voice and stop comparing ourselves with others.

To get connected with your authentic self again and creating clarity for the future, we basically went deep with these four questions:

  • Who am I?

  • What you want; what is that your deepest desire?

  • What is meaningful and fulfilling for you?

  • How to make it happen?


Stop. reset. play.

And have fun! Thank you so much for watching!

If you know anyone who could find it useful, please share with your friends! 

Karlyn Borysenko: workplace bullying led to a book deal

In this episode of The Glad Show, I talk with Karlyn Borysenko, who is an organizational psychologist, owner, and principal of Zen Workplace.

We deep dive into her personal story and experiences about workplace bullying and how she got fired when it happened.

All that eventually led to finding her own company, signing 6-figure agreements and getting a book deal. We talk about fears, patience, humanity, and especially, how to get courageously started when you have an important message and mission that helps to change the world for better. 

She shares how she found her way out from the unhealthy environment, got in touch with her real passion and started helping organizations create healthier and happier work environments. 

There is so much more, so just dive in...

Watch the video here

Or listen to the audio here: 

Once you've had a chance to watch or listen, please join us in the comments on the blog.

I'm curious and interested in hearing what resonated most with you on Karlyn’s story?

Specifically… I'd like to ask you: What kind of personal story do you want to write in the future?

Thank you so much for reading and watching, I really hope you enjoy the interview! If you like it please share with your friends and social media. 


P.S. later I contacted Karlyn to ask her advice on workplace bullying, what to do when it happens? And this is what she replied:

Get out. Seriously. Go find another job. Don’t go to HR, because they probably won’t help you. The person bullying you has probably bullied other people before and HR likely knows about it and hasn’t done anything about it. You want to go find somewhere that will value you and allow you to thrive. And know that you’re not crazy, you’re not doing anything wrong, it’s not your fault. You haven’t done anything to deserve it. It’s not a reflection of your value or what you can contribute to the organization, so don’t let it get to you. When you’re out of it and are in a place that appreciates you, you’ll be able to look back on the situation and see it for what it is.