My 2018 Manifesto

2017 was like a year-long holistic detox for me.

There were so many life lessons, so much change and a lot of work. I took a massive leap in many areas of life by turning inward, opening my awareness and standing up in a new way. 

It is time to construct and create a new, steadier foundation. This manifesto is the key to it.

My 2018 manifesto: 

• Do my things, work, and business in my way - less by the book or how it’s “supposed” to be done. 
• Focus on feeling good - release tension and set an intention, at every moment. 
• Trust my gut and intuition. 
• Care, try, and think less - focus on doing more and following through.
• Bend time, not myself - stay rooted.
• Choose carefully who I work with. 
• Work smarter, not harder. 
• Let go of the need to control the things that I can’t affect (there must be an endpoint for this).
• Embrace my personal needs, my body, my health and wellbeing (after struggling with physical issues and going through pretty dark times mentally I am now feeling so healthy and well that I can’t appreciate it more). 
• Be powerful, vulnerable me and speak my truth. 

External abundance, results, and achievements follow when we keep our visions clear and stay internally aligned - and courageously walk towards them.

New Year, New Feel, New Chances, Same Dreams, Fresh Starts.

How about you - what are your commitments for this year?

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