Hello and welcome!
Glad is my real name, and I laugh a lot - I think joy is the purest way to cultivate the art of presence.

I grew up in the forests of Eastern Finland, lived half of my life in Helsinki and became a globetrotter. I’ve traveled worldwide and lived in New York, London, the Netherlands, Germany, and Bali. I’m now living in Spain with my family and loving it here.

I am a professional coach, Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT), and clinical hypnotherapist. 

I work as a change catalyst, entrepreneur, writer and motivational speaker, helping people get unstuck and reclaim the control and clarity to make the changes they want and need.

I am the founder of the Clarity Method and Conscious Creator program.

My expertise is to help people change beliefs, thought patterns and habits that invariably help them attain self-mastery and become free to create happiness and success based on their real desires.

There must be a reason you stopped by, and probably, there’s something common we share...

Maybe you, too, want to live your life with less stress and more joy, meaning and fulfillment?  

When people ask me what I do for a living, I often tell them...

I help my clients become happier, get what they want and need, and show them how to lead their lives and take back control. 

What it means...

I help my clients go from exhausted and burnout to energized and empowered, connect and know what they want next. I help them to redesign their lives and create more time, more energy and more joy. We do that by removing the inner barriers: releasing those old unconscious blockages and creating new, better, healthy patterns and habits. My mastery and gift are to help people see what needs to be healed and make peace with the past so they can get unstuck and accomplish their powerful desires and visions.

What I really, really want to say is

Every day I meet people who sacrifice their happiness and well-being.

Quite often they suffer from disorders like continuous stress, unhealthy habits, addictions, financial problems, illnesses, imbalanced relationships, lack of energy… burnout. They feel trapped where they are. Maybe even helpless of hopeless, not knowing how to get out and change it without sacrificing or changing it all.

Many people often do what they think they should do and falsely believe they can't make the changes they want and need or don't even believe it would be possible.

“When I finish this project, change the job or relationship, get the raise, or when the kids have grown up - then - I will start to live the life I want,” is what I often hear. 

Frankly, then rarely comes. Your everyday decisions create your reality.

Life is short, and in the end, it is very simple: let’s not waste it. Don’t satisfy less than you deserve! There is a way to stop struggling and start making the changes you want to see.

What is the one thing you feel is getting in your way?

Why is this so important to me?

Because I have been there myself, I have lived unconsciously, suffered and lost my happy tracks. I know all about that cacophony and unclarity, longing and loneliness.

I worked for big international corporates as a busy business and IT woman. I managed big global projects and created new digital and mobile services and concepts for over 12 years.

Even though I had gotten what I desired at some point, I slowly became unhappy.

My work didn’t feel meaningful enough; I felt I was making money for the money, and I wanted to make a difference in the world.

The roar inside me got really loud, and I craved for change; I was looking for my true calling, passions, and purpose. I wanted to use my creativity, and fulfill my potential and strengths through my work.

I wished someone had saved me and told me what to do. I didn't even know someone could have helped me, so I kept going and waited for things to change. I went through a lot of serious and dramatic and traumatic life lessons: severe accidents, big burnout, NDE, losses… I was numbing myself with work, busyness, and addictions. I was looking for the way out, but I didn't know how.

Until at my rock bottom, after all my big fluffy dreams had crashed, I realized that I was responsible for my life and happiness.

I re-designed my life and started again. I built a new healthy foundation based on what I wanted and needed, proritizing me — and who I really was.

It was liberating for me to understand I could take control of my life and it was not dependable on anything or anyone else.

To make it happen, I needed to burn my boats and I started the second part of this life at the age of 35 when I started my personal happiness project, first to find out if it would be possible to be happy every day. I shoveled a lot from my past “to get clean”, changed my habits, thoughts and patterns from the inside out and become free to fulfill my true potential. 

It all led me forward and helped me find my purpose and happiness and create a meaningful, successful life that looks and feels like me.

My work is my lifestyle; I walk my talk and live what I teach — check out the blog to learn more. I love to play, talk about life endlessly and have a good belly laugh. I enjoy cooking, socializing, life’s simple pleasures, physical and spiritual exercises, meditation and body movement, mountains, beach life, and being in nature with my family! 

If you are looking for support, I’d invite you to book a Clarity call with me. In this call, we get to know each other and talk about where you are and where you want to go, and what it requires. If it feels good, we speak about how we could work together, and we start making the impossible possible.

With love,