positive mindset

The Art of Protecting Your Energy and Celebrating Success.

Many of us are more sensitive to external energies than we think. Often women, who are natural nurturers, have a tendency and a habit to sense other people’s feelings and related energies automatically and unconsciously rush to “help” others with their own emotions. 

This is thought to be compassion and the way of helping others. In the end, it can leave you feeling so low and exhausted that you only think about what hit you. It can feel hard to carry through your days properly.

We can be compassionate and be there for others without giving a piece of ourselves to others, and they will benefit from it as well.

When I started working with people and my self-knowledge and consciousness grew, I started using the tools on how to set personal and energetic boundaries to protect my energy, and stop feeling drained. 

If you are a highly-sensitive empath like me or feel like you suck in other people’s emotions and energies easily, I want you to know there are ways and tools on how to not let that happen. I teach these tools to my clients. 

This kind of self-sabotaging habit is often inherited from earlier generations and our caretakers.
They are often showing up in the relationship dynamics, which often go hand to hand with success and abundance issues.

Through my own and my clients experiences the root cause for this is always related to receiving and self-worth issues. When those are cleared, all the good can flow in.

Also the one common belief women have is that they are afraid to be successful and step in their own power, even they want it.

It’s safe for you to feel what you are feeling. Also JOY, LOVE, and SUCCESS. 

What if… You can choose to not let anything or anyone bring you or your energy down right now, today? 

This is an outrageous and unheard idea for some people. During this strange year, it has become harder for some to feel joy without feeling guilty. But joy, happiness and success needs to be celebrated.

I have been working with a client on her habits and energy. Since working together she has experienced a transformation in her energy and she has started flourishing in every way, her creativity is peaking, relationships are getting better, new work projects show up... 

So when she said that she has had such an amazing week and for the first time she went the feelings of WHOLENESS she felt that she didn’t need the session that week and wanted to reschedule.

To which I gently said that now it’s time to celebrate it and use this new energy for expanding even more- to get her body used to it. 

It’s more than important to celebrate and feel the big and small successes in the body and help the nervous system re-wire with it (this is called neuroplasticity). It’s so much easier to focus on negative than embrace the positive, the good things! This is because the mind is so often wired with negative, and it’s a habit that is based on your beliefs and stories you tell yourself.

Celebrating however, helps to create a new long-lasting tendency on focusing positive good things - so the body can keep receiving, and not only giving. 

This is what embodying success really means and how we keep the good things up and flowing. For example, journaling about positive things is incredibly important and empowering, and expansive.

How to get started with managing your feelings and protecting your energy, so you feel good and safe to do what you need to do without allowing your emotions or fears take hold on you?

I wanted to share an easy, daily practice that you can use anywhere anytime: 

  1. Ask yourself if you are willing to feel better?  

  2. Allow yourself to feel the feelings, in your mind and your body, and breathe through them. Be with the feeling until it releases. It’s just a feeling.

  3. Talk to yourself in empowering ways. Say what you would like to and need to hear from someone else. You can also say “It’s safe for you to feel this xxxxx.”

  4. Changing your thoughts, changes your feelings.

  5. The point of power is in the present moment.

Try setting an intention to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements and successes, when they happen. With all of the uncertainty in the world, it’s more important now than ever to protect your positive energies and focus on the positives that you can control in your life.

Unapologetically celebrate and enjoy your success, focus on the happiness you feel  and be present in that moment- recognise your authentic power, rippling positively into the world!

When you intentionally pay attention to your little and big wins, you will notice that positivity expands, your creativity will flourish, relationships will improve and everything will seem more aligned and clear. 

I would love to hear your thoughts, what has helped you to feel more centered and successful?

Much love, Jenni

Get in Sync and Manifest Good in the Moment

Many people have asked me how it is to travel and fly with an infant. Some are hesitant to travel with a child. Stella is now 8 months old and has flown several flights, been on road trips and ferry rides - all the ways of transportation there are.

Either she's used to getting out and about and going to places from the early on but she is also an easy-going and curious baby, and now socializing and making contact with other people all the time. Maybe she’s not an introvert like her mama! I had to teach myself later in life how to do it all, she seems to do it naturally or it’s just the phase, we’ll see. Anyway, she makes traveling really easy for us and clearly enjoys observing people and exploring places.

All it requires is good planning around naps and feeding, making sure there's enough quiet time for recharging and avoiding over stimulation, that she gets enough cuddles and feels emotionally safe at all times. Plus ensuring there are opportunities for taking breaks and allow her to move, crawl and practice all those things that are related to this age so she can use all the excess energy she has. 

Also, being prepared for surprises and knowing that things won't go as planned is always a good idea when traveling, whether there is a baby on board or not.

This year we had our family vacation in the South of France, in Nice and Corsica. This trip didn’t come without surprises either.

We had planned to take the car ferry from Nice to Corsica. We knew the boat was fully booked and decided to rush up from the melting hot and fully packed car deck to the lounge area to make ourselves as comfortable as we could and to reserve ourselves seats for the trip.

But… When we got to the lounge area we realized all the seats were numbered, which could only mean they should have been pre-booked. We quickly found out that our tickets only included the deck seats. Basically meaning we would be sitting 6 hours out on the deck or on the floor in the hallway with the baby. 

It was too sunny, windy and wet outside for her. Honestly, I was not too excited to sit on the floor for all that time. I wondered how feeding and naps would go in the narrow but busy hallway where people were passing us all the time. 

However, I couldn't do anything else. 

It reminded me of my low budget travels in my 20's and backpacking trips in Asia and around. The circumstances haven't always been that neat and I've slept in some interesting places.

Somehow this situation smelled like an adventure for me. Yes, family life is quite structured and I'm a personality type who gets bored easily with routine and repetition, so somehow I was able to get a kicks out of our ferry trip.

One of the things Motherhood has so gracefully taught me to let go and surrender like never before and accept what is happening in each moment.

That means that I have to stop doing what I want to, put my phone and laptop away and forget what I’ve had planned when the baby wakes up earlier and when things change suddenly and often, like they do with the kids.

I've learned to shift my mindset and let go of negative feelings on the go more than before, just rise above all that crap my mind would like to stick with. When I just can't do as much as I used to do before - using at least an hour per day to keep up my spiritual practice - I've learned to turn inwards in the moment and shift my thoughts and set intentions without the possibility of journaling or longer meditation or contemplation.

Quite often when we don't have that much time to think it all through we just get things done courageously and efficiently — the mind can’t then get on the way. Often when we think too much our mind creates all kinds of excuses and insecurities - and then we are doomed. The thing is that I had a habit to overthink and I often got stuck and start procrastinating because the inner fears and hesitations kicks in.

All this though has made me become more aware of how powerfully and quickly these conscious shifts of thinking and setting clear intentions can manifest good, and I've been enjoying to play with it.   

So when we sat on that deck I allowed myself to feel the adventure and quickly shifted my thoughts, accepted what is and decided to make it as good as the ferry ride could be. 

Me and my husband have traveled a lot so it helps that neither of us rarely make a scene when things are not going as by the book.

Later in the evening, it turned out we had the best seats in the boat!  

It turned out that the AC was either not working or didn’t even exist in the ferry.

It was melting, over 30 C degrees inside. It was intolerable and people had to escape outside to the deck with their kids and dogs.

We were enjoying cold drinks, the shade and the sea breeze that was blowing from the open doors in our secured spot. Baby napped in the carrier ( a must have to help with babies on the go and at home too) and as I'm still breastfeeding feedings on the go works easily. 

When we are conscious about our thoughts and feelings we can set intentions, shift our mindset and let go of the stressful feelings in the very moment. It always works miraculously and instantly... That is how our energy attracts things and what we put out there comes back to us. All what it requires is self-awareness, self-knowledge and good emotional habits, ability to observe and choose how to respond and react to the events of life.

For example in this situation I could have said “I knew this trip was going to be a disaster. This is just so typical for us, we always….” and then blame and pass it on to my husband, “Why you didn’t book the seats beforehand?” The outcome would have been different.

Now, to learn how to manifest good in the moment, the first thing is to become aware and learn how to change the stories that you tell yourself and your habitual inner beliefs that are mostly not true.

You see, there’s 50-50 chance that anything good or bad can happen in the future or the next moment. It’s 100% better to believe and trust you are always getting the good and the best outcome. No one knows for sure what will happen in the future. Even when the obstacles occur, it’s crucial to learn out of it and have faith there’s a reason for it and move on.

Download the free guide to learn more how to start making changes from inside out and how to release and let go of the stories and start raising your awareness and ability to consciously manifest good in your life.

Reflect on your year before setting New Year resolutions

The Holidays will soon be over here... I know you must be busy finishing up everything so you can relax for a couple of days before welcoming the New Year and setting your resolutions and visions.

I hope your year has been as successful and full of joy as you intended it to be. And I hope you are feeling proud of yourself (this was one of my “feeling” intentions for 2018) and those conscious accomplishments you made real this year.

Even if you feel that this year really sucked and you would just rather move forward without thinking about any of the mistakes or failures (that we all have had), hiding your head in the sand doesn’t help.

In fact, it does the opposite and only makes you carry those issues forward and replay them over and over again.

Nothing new can be built on regrets or resentment. You need to take the lessons and clean your mental and emotional closets to create space for the new.

So before you rush yourself to the new year… take some the time yet to stop and reflect on 2018.

Closing the book of life yearly is mentally, spiritually and emotionally as important as finalizing your bookkeeping and doing your taxes. Yes, we need to face the ugly truth and that’s helping you to let go of it. 

Making these end of year reflections is needed for reasons:

  • You will clearly see how you have actually done and what you have accomplished (self-empowerment & praise!).

  • You become free from self-blame and resentment (forgiveness).

  • You know what is working or not working for you (wisdom).

  • You can learn from your obstacles (growth).

After you have done this exercise, you can let yourself off the hook - the table is clean and you have clarity and your head is full of wonderful insights. You’ll feel free to plan your life forward.

Here’s how to reflect on your past year:

  1. Make a nice cup of something and get a piece of paper or your journal.

  2. If you have one, get out your list of desires and goals or your calendar of the year.

  3. Start from January and go through your life month by month and list all the accomplishments and good things that happened during your year.

    • Think of the reasons why it worked out so wonderfully for you.

    • Don’t hold yourself back from paying attention to “small” things - they are just as important.  

  4. Next make a list of things that didn’t work out: goals you didn’t achieve, mistakes or failures that happened.

    • Ask yourself what could you have done differently?

    • Write down the reasons why you think it didn’t work out. This is not to blame yourself, others or the circumstances. Reflect objectively.

    • What can you learn from it?

  5. Go through your reflections to see what’s working for you, what makes you happy and what you want to continue doing next year - but also what do you need to let go of and clear from your plate.

It’s really empowering to clean the clutter and boldly remove some of the old things hanging on our to do lists that will never ever happen.

By doing this kind of exercise yearly you will stop repeating the same cycles and can change things confidently.

But also, we are often so hard on ourselves and too busy to praise ourselves enough... so celebrate your accomplishments!  

Then it’s time to set those powerful intentions, goals and desires for the next year.

If it’s not part of your yearly routine yet I highly recommend making a list of intentions and desires for 2019. It’s a simple list of everything you want to have, be and create during the next year and this - the power of intention - is proven to work really well.

This is my personal way to start the New Year and it’s amazing to go back to those old desires at the end of year and witness how amazingly things have flowed forward, how much I have done and achieved - and simply seeing clearly what do I need to let go.

If you have a question or another practice or exercise you like to use, please share in the comments below.

Much love and Happy Holidays,


How to practice gratitude & boost happiness, health, and abundance

This is a habit you  w a n t  to bring into your life. Practicing gratitude, a.k.a paying attention to the good things in your life on daily basis, uplifts your mood and gives clarity in just a few minutes.

In the long run, it is an effective practice and a crucial tool helping to manifest your desires and visions. Practicing gratitude keeps you going towards your goals and mindful in the moments, while you get priceless recognition and acknowledge of your own efforts every day. It's like you are giving yourself short-term rewards that we all need to hear.

Watch the video and learn more about it and why it is worth it:

How to start practicing

List ten things that you can be grateful for: the events that make you happy or make you smile. Use simple short sentences about things, encounters, your experiences or feelings— whatever details you recall from that day.

  1. Write it down in your notebook, peace of paper or your phone app. You can say it out loud (great to practice in the car while driving).

  2. Choose a method what works best for you or use all of them. Listing things in your mind may work but usually, the mind sidetracks by other thoughts.

  3. Feel every word in your gut and be honest. If you want to emphasize it a little bit more, add why you feel that way (recommended).

What happens when you start practicing gratitude:

  • You stop to see, feel and learn to recognize your positive emotions. 

  • You learn to notice the small meaningful things that make you happy (and are the 

  • You consciously change your mindset to positive.

  • You bring yourself to the present moment and grow your awareness.

  • You show effort as you take action.

  • You attract more goodness into your life.

  • You stop taking things for granted.

  • You respect life in a new way.

Starting a new practice can feel time-consuming at first, like starting a meditation practice or a new hobby but it will soon become easier, as you will soon you will start noticing the positive outcomes of this practice.

I usually do my gratitude practice in the evening, if not during the day when in need of extra energy - it is one of the mindful living tools, and it offers you a moment to take a breath. I track my day backward and pay attention to the tiniest details, what I saw or what happened during the day and how I felt.

Do you practice gratitude? How has it changed your life? Let me know your experience in the comments below.



How to do a mental reset in the middle of the busy day


Some days can feel like an emotional roller coaster taking you on a ride from shiny happy moments to anxious, negative thoughts. Busy schedules and hectic lifestyle can lead to draining and stressful experiences - we all know that!

Have you ever noticed how your mood may change based on others? It can happen like this:

Scenario 1: Your colleague comes back from a meeting and shares some good news: “It was such a great review, I’m so relieved!” or “These coworkers/company/everything just sucks!”.

Or like this:

Scenario 2: You meet with clients or friends and afterwards you feel like a wet wipe. You don’t know what hit you but suddenly your good mood is gone. You feel tired and grey. “Today was not my day! Maybe tomorrow will be better.” 

Either way, we share our emotions all the time with others - what's your share? Day by day you can repeat this pattern and let the mood swing without control… But we don't like or want that, right? 

Luckily you can reclaim your own mental balance and peace with a few simple steps - you always have a choice.

Being mindful of your experiences allows for choice. If you keep the door open to your personal mood space you’ll be receptive of others’ emotional residue. You may not have control of all your daily experiences but you CAN CHOOSE HOW YOU REACT to them. 

The best remedy is to LEARN HOW TO HANDLE the grumpy moment when it hits. This can be done when you’re MINDFULLY present at that moment.

Conscious awareness = you recognize your mental state but you don’t let your emotions take the lead.


1) GIVE yourself FIVE MINUTES (set the timer so you can relax). By your desk, meeting room, public transportation, at a subway stop.

2) BRING your attention to your breathing: Notice your chest moving up and down - focus on it.

3) CALM your gaze or close your eyes if you can - the less sensory distractions the better.

4) INHALE a big long breath in through the nose-filling your lungs to capacity. EXHALE out through the mouth to let go of tensions. Relax into the pose. REPEAT 3x.

5) THEN follow your natural breathing rhythm for COUPLE OF minutes. > Scan your body with the breath. >All your emotions and sensations are alright. > Do not judge yourself. >Be interested in what you find from within. >It’s all OKAY! >Let the thoughts pass when they arise.

As you repeat this exercise daily you may find things changing. You will notice more laughter, joy and ease of being.

KEEP GOING and exercise. Your awareness will slowly grow. 

"When you consciously listen to your inner quietness you’ll first face the foggy nothingness. Eventually, the invisible curtains will slowly open and your patience will take you to quietness (and answers)."

Can it be this simple?! The conscious breathing synchronizes the body and mind to the present moment: your power source. It reduces stress and anxiety while helping improve focus, memory, productivity and overall health. It adds compassion, understanding and ability to FEEL THE LOVE with yourself and others.

OBSERVE. When you live in the moment you awaken yourself to life. When you make daily choices consciously from that space you are CREATING the life you want and RECOGNIZING it. Suddenly you will experience what some just call MAGIC.

Go to https://jenniglad.leadpages.net/bemindful/ to get your FREE 5-minute mindfulness meditation!

Feel free to share you own comments or tricks how you switch back to balance in the middle of hectic day.

Love, Jenni

How to cool down when the heat is on (sweat the bitch out)


Some itchy bitchy feelings suddenly caught me. I felt like I wanted to have a little battle and argument with someone. Even though I noticed the quick thought of wisdom in my mind saying:

"You should rather take some time alone to get the insight what is going on, than forcing yourself to socialize and follow your too-full schedule."

But I had made the plans and I don't like to cancel and disappoint others, so I almost flew down the stairs on Saturday morning. (I'm working on my habit to listening and serving myself more carefully)

But this time, I didn’t listen to my won guidance, and I finally, and successfully, ended up in an argument. 

Did it feel good? 

Of course not: I don’t like to push my frustration to other people's neck. It's not their fault if my mind wants to be bossy and in control when I have overwhelmed myself with the busyness and forgot the self-care.

No one is perfect: this small failure was not a failure as it woke me up to see the heat is on: 

Do you ever feel so indecisive that you don’t have any idea what you need? Is it difficult to prioritize and instead of making decisions what you want, you just dwell in frustration? 

Maybe you over-think and analyze. Squirming with discomfort and having that small self-blaming and judging voice in the head is not helping at all.

Even though nothing’s really wrong there’s a big "Nah" in the back of the head. You just want to say “I don’t know,” because you don’t know but you have to make decisions.

Or you’re saying yes without thinking and get yourself even more tired and you feel bad as you're bad company.

This happens to me when the inner heat is on and I’ve slowly slipped from the happy track. Then I need to get back to sync with myself and often it requires self-care.

No need to emphasize we’re living in a dynamic world: the energy is heated up out there. Driver’s horn and people push each other in a hurry and no one wants to be pushed. Heat causes general anxiousness and sweating in the crowd make our head boil. 

When the weather is melting hot the pace must be slowed down.We need calmness and grounding to cool the down the over-heat in our bodies - mental blocks are causing physical blocks and the other way round. 

Still, we cannot blame the external conditions: work stress, heat, and people - blaming others has never solved any issues.

It is our responsibility to take care of the physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

It keeps us away from the confronting situations. And we don’t react so easily with the other people crankiness either. Because we don't know what the others (colleagues, friends, even family members) have on their plate - it's better to be kind.

How to cool down when you feel over-heated and unconnected:

Stop to listen to yourself. What does your body need now? How do you feel and what feels right for you? Follow your inner guidance and make it happen. You will gain a lot more energy by taking action and getting out there than just slouching on the couch.

  1. Sweat it out. Run, walk, jump, do yoga, hit the ball with the racket or ride a bike — move your body even for a short time! Just do it.

  2. Lose yourself to dance (I love that Daft Punk's song) Play your ultimate summer song you really (or secretly) dig and let your hips talk! The bigger and crazier moves, the better; no one can see you. This lifts your energy levels high-up in five minutes!

  3. Take a walk in the park and sit on the grass. Observe and listen what’s happening around you, the birds, wind, clouds and sun. Breathe in the green energy, enjoy the healing power of nature. This is a slow relaxing and mindfulness exercise.

  4. Calm yourself before bedtime. Rinse the feet with warm water. Lift your legs up towards the wall for 15 minutes. Squirm your butt close to the wall, keep the spine long and open arms to the sides. Breathe in and out. This is calming practice that swipe away the inner dust.

I bet it feels good, and it was fun — you gained back your energy and are back in sync with yourself.

By the way, even though you have a bad day, it doesn't matter you have a bad life.

Love, Jenni