If You Crave Change Read These Books

All these books are quite different but in the end, they're all about the life views, and beliefs, forcing us to question the habits of thinking and behaving. 

1. Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown.
The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone. About speaking your Truth and recognizing your own value. "The foundation of courage is vulnerability."

2. The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks.
For recognizing the upper limit problems (this is a fascinating concept) and knowing your zone of genius. 

3. Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin.
"The four tendencies" Understanding my tendency has been invaluable to me. "To shape our habits successfully we must know ourselves."

4. High-Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard.
These researched habits are pure gold. I rarely read business self-help books and don't really talk about high performance as it has sounded cold to me. But I changed my mind when I read this book. It is all about human performance.

5. Inward by Yung Pueblo.
There is so much wisdom here. His Instagram page is fantastic, full of spiritual poems. "I gathered my habits and started releasing the ones that can never lead me to lasting freedom and joy."  
6. Loving what is: Four Questions that Can Change Your Life by Byron Katie. 
Find solutions to complicated situations, get clarity on relationships, and change the harmful beliefs and self-limiting stories. I have used the Work personally and with my clients for years. “It’s not the problem that causes our suffering; it’s our thinking about the problem.”

You create your habits and your habits create your life. 

I hope you find this list useful!


If you want more and practical guidance, sign up to get access to my free guide: 

The 7 Habits and Daily Rituals to Feel Calm, Connected and Energized Every Day

If you know anyone who needs inspiring books about personal and spiritual growth, share this post.

With love and gratitude,