inner power

Boost your confidence through the roof


My client Anne came to me with these issues:

  • She struggled with an addiction to deferring to other people.

  • She constantly self-negated her power... she was too “nice” and a chronic caretaker.

  • She had a deep lack of confidence and struggled with inadequacy, her relationships were somewhat codependent.

  • She had a fear she was not competent enough, constantly comparing herself to others.

  • Perfectionism. She hesitated and second-guessed herself and didn’t let her creativity flow.

She felt she was not FREE.

All this with her own words.

All this even she had had a long remarkably successful creative career.

After her years-long project ended she took a hiatus.

Then… she just couldn’t make herself get back to it, start creating, but issues came up.

Her work had been validating her externally.

When she lost that she became aware of other things in her life and started sabotaging herself.

In 4 months’ time we dived into all this we worked on...

  • her relationship with her Self: love, acceptance, knowledge, compassion

  • her habits, people-pleasing, and codependent behaviors - we set clear boundaries and practiced saying no

  • all the anger, guilt, and resentment coming up from the past was healthily released and patterns were healed

We focused on confidence and self-esteem, which I have found to be the key element for people to become successful, courageous, happy as they are - in all areas of life.

The results:

  • She started working again… glowing new energy… creative ideas and excitement burst

  • She put herself out there, meeting people again

  • She started taking care of herself, her body, her needs and focused less on others (healthily)

Her relationship with her partner and children changed for the better; more loving, more intimate, more compassionate.

Self-esteem and confidence are not something we have automatically.

It's not something some people have more than others.

Often successful people struggle with their relationships.

Often people with a healthy relationship struggle professionally, stumble upon their success blocks.

We are not born with a sense of inner power.

When we are children, it’s our external environment that has the power that we learn to refer to.

All of our experiences shape our level of self-esteem, our ability to trust ourselves, and others, life.

They are like a skill we have to develop and hone along the way.

Often it's our obstacles that show us where we need to do the work so we can rise into our power again.

Confidence is about trust:

  • When we have good self-esteem we trust ourselves.

  • When we trust ourselves we can listen to ourselves.

  • When we listen to the inner voice we do/be/have what feels right to each of us.

  • When we

That’s how we can keep the sense of inner power, the boundaries, that makes us feel good about ourselves every way.

The connection with yourself requires care and constant nurturing- it's the most important relationship you have.

I have recorded a free Grounded Confidence meditation that helps you hone and grow your confidence and boost self-esteem. You can download it here.

After you have listened to it, I'd love to hear how did you like it!

Much love, Jenni

P.S. If you want more balance, more love, and success, you can book a complimentary clarity call where you find out what’s actually coming in the way, why you might be feeling stuck and how you can solve it.