emotional intelligence

The Power of Emotional Regulation: 3 steps to Healing, Stress Management, and Resilience

Understanding the art of emotional regulation is a game-changer in our pursuit of healing mental and emotional patterns, stress management, and cultivating resilience.

In this enlightening video recorded in the Zoom in summer sessions community call, I delve into the profound impact of emotional regulation and how it can empower you to lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Healing Through Emotional Regulation:

Emotions are an integral part of being human, and acknowledging them is crucial to our well-being. Emotional regulation allows us to process and express these emotions in a healthy and constructive manner. By learning to accept and work through our feelings, we can embark on a transformative journey of healing. Learn effective techniques to manage overwhelming emotions, providing a safe space for introspection and growth- and as you learn where they come from, you can release them.

Stress Management: Navigating the Turbulent Waters:

Stress is an unavoidable aspect of life, but how we handle it can make all the difference. Emotional regulation equips us with invaluable tools to manage stress effectively. By honing our ability to recognize stress triggers, we can respond in a more composed and mindful manner. This video offers practical insights and strategies to mitigate stress, ultimately promoting mental and emotional well-being.

Cultivating Resilience: Bouncing Back Stronger:

Resilience is the key to bouncing back from life's challenges, and emotional regulation plays a significant role in its development. By understanding our emotional landscape, we can build resilience that empowers us to embrace setbacks as opportunities for growth. Learning to nurture emotional resilience is a vital skill for thriving in both personal and professional spheres.

In a world that constantly demands our attention and energy, emotional regulation emerges as a powerful tool for healing, stress management, and resilience.

Start navigating the complexities of our emotions, guiding us towards a more fulfilling and balanced life and watch the video below so you can bring the 3 most important tools part of your daily work-life.

After you have watched let me know your thoughts and share your takeaways from it!

Join us for the next Zoom in summer session next week.

IF YOU ARE READY to go deeper:

I have reserved a limited number of spots for Integral Harmony hypnotherapy sessions, exclusively for women ready to break free from patterns, and take back control of worries and stresses, possible burnout and exhaustion symptoms.

Sign up for your session now, and enjoy special savings if you secure your session now. 

“The highest form of intelligence…”

Emotional intelligence (emotional health, and balance) is one of the highest forms of intelligence.

I have personally come to believe it's the highest as our emotions & thoughts direct our lives and connects with our intuition, your inner antenna, and wisdom.

An important part of my work is to help and teach my clients to connect within, become more aware and feel and express their emotions healthily. 

= >> If it's hard for you to be aware of your feelings, related thoughts and express and feel your emotions, you are not alone.

 We have often been shut off and rejected as a child when we have learned to express negative emotions.

While back no one really knew how and why it was important to teach children to feel and be aware of their feelings.

Emotions were considered as a sign of weakness and over-sensitivity. :(

Suffocating your feelings, suppressing, numbing, avoiding them doesn't make them go away but they pile up internally, and then in the long run all that starts causing physical or mental issues, addictions, explosions... 

All kinds of issues affecting your happiness, success, relationships... all that starts from you.

 Your relationship with yourself.

 So how to keep the balance?

Start turning inwards and identifying your emotions and feelings.

🧠 What are you thinking?

🥰  How are you feeling? 

💀 How does it feel in your body?

Sometimes I give a chart of my emotions to my clients as they start practicing this.

Way back I found this kind of chart so helpful. Then it was easier to start feeling the sensations in the body.

Sometimes they are surprised when I say it's okay to have negative thoughts and feelings.

They have learned to cover them up with positive thoughts and a positive mindset but that's not really feeling it. 


💡 We all have them and your brain has 6000 thoughts per day so they all cannot be positive.

💡  The range of emotions changes daily and we all feel a variety of basic emotions, also negative, on daily basis.

When you become aware of them and train your mind to feel the emotions and become aware of the thoughts, and where they actually come from, you will tune up with emotions that have a higher frequency, then your thoughts and energy shift too.

This is emotional healing and a way to keep yourself "clean" happy and well.

You feel a lot happier, upbeat and lighter, loving, confident, your Self, worthy, present... I could go on this list on and on… 

Here's also the chart of emotional energy centers and where the emotions live in the body.


It's brilliant. 

What kind of feelings you have felt today?

I help people transform and heal repeating patterns and blocks that are holding them back from receiving what they want and fulfill their heart-based passions.

If you believe there's more in life than what you have and experience now, and you want it without continuing to sacrifice your wellbeing, relationships, or life, I have an opening in my Stuck to Success program. Feel free to DM me and I'll send you more information.

Cover photo by Aditya Saxena on Unsplash