Do you want to change your morning habits? Here's how to do it.

There are tons of self-help books that tell us how to create a successful and super-productive day.

We should wake-up very early, get up like a space rocket, stop snoozing, follow the 5-second rule, do yoga, exercise, get into action right away, meditate, journal, eat healthy, have a large breakfast, plan and visualize our days, listen to something inspirational, set the mindset, use affirmations…

Most of us don’t have the time to do that every day. Most people don’t even try, as all this feels so overwhelming. 

But, it does matter a great deal, what do you do right after you wake-up.

How to change your habits and create a morning routine?

Start with your shoulds.

Before you try change your morning routines: question your "shoulds":

"I should get up earlier, I should do more yoga, I shouldn't read my emails first thing in the morning, or go to social media…"

Remove the word should from your vocabulary.

It’s not really leading to any action but only causing unnecessary self-blame and judgment, especially if you don't even intend to do anything about it. Those shoulds are just habits of thinking.

Maybe it’s not your thing to do yoga or the ther shoulds in the mornings, maybe it's not fitting with your lifestyle right now? And that is completely fine.

If that’s the case, please give yourself a break and let go -- put it on your back burner list or forget it. Or, maybe the evening is working better for you?

If you don't have the motivation and knowledge why you want to make the effort to create a new habit, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever start. It's waste of energy to carry that idea with you.

Ask yourself why you don't do what you want to do?

What's coming up?

We are so used to our thinking patterns, habits, and behavior that we don't see them until we stop to see them. 

You can change your habits when you are aware of what needs to be changed. 

Start trying what feels good for you - bring new routines and habits into your mornings one by one. 

Here's my golden advice how to have successful mornings and days.

It’s not a secret, but something most people don’t get and don't even do, it takes 5 minutes: 

You win your morning by planning it the night before.  

What time you wake-up and what do you do right after. 

Also, you can start your days again anytime. 

Sometimes I start my days four times per day. I then do a little cleansing meditation, align my feelings and thoughts for the next activities. This saves nerves (literally) and keep the energy steady and flowing every day.

To hep you get started I have created an amazing guide to learn about the daily routines and success habits that help you get things done and feel good about yourself every day.

DOWNLOAD The 7 Essential Daily Habits and Routines to Leading Your Life Towards
Your Desires and Visions here >>

With love and gratitude,

P.S. I would love to hear from you! If you have any questions, you can just send me an email